Click on the links below to download PDF versions of the slidedecks for PATT40 paper presentations (numbers follow the presentation order in the programme ). Slidedecks in grey are under an embargo , for the purpose of commercial sensitivity, academic integrity, or intellectual property; and we suggest contacting the author(s) directly of you are interested in what they shared at the conference beyond their paper (see proceedings ). We will endeavour to update any missing slidedecks in the coming weeks.
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Day #1
Welcome (McLain, M.)
Welcome (de Vries, M.)
Paper 1: Subject Knowledge in D&T Teacher Education: Exploring the gaps. (Fuller, K. & Steeg, T.)
Paper 2: The Adaptive Subject Pedagogy Model: Understanding Pre-service teachers’ pedagogical reasoning in Design and Technology Education. (Morrison-Love, D. & Patrick, F.)
Paper 3: Approaches to industrial processes in technology textbooks (Engström, S., Sundqvist, P., Nordlöf, C. & Klasander, C.)
Paper 4: Rethinking Measures of Attitude Toward Technology in Technology Education. (Tzeng, S. & Yu, K-C.)
Paper 5: Developing spatial reasoning skills through designing origami: advancing maker education pedagogy with maker études. (Westerhof, M., O’Kane, C. & Duffy, G.)
Paper 6: Developing student teachers’ PCK for teaching technology with a sustainability edge in primary school (Cederqvisy, A-M. & Högström, P.)
Paper 7: Reinventing Secondary School: An Investigation of a Polytechnic School Model Focused on Industry Community-driven Design Projects. (Lucas, D., Strimel, G. & Santana, V.)
Paper 8: Subject specific pedagogy in technical vocational education – the implementation of a new way of teaching (Axelsson, J., Kilbrink, N. & Asplund, S-B.)
Paper 9: Authentic Teaching in STEM Education: factors for success (Engström, S. & Lennholm, H.)
Paper 10: AI Text-to-Image Generation in Art and Design Teacher Education: A Creative Tool or a Hindrance to Future Creativity? (Ringvold, T., Strand, I., Haakonsen, P. & Strand, K-S.,)
Paper 11: Students’ Reasoning About Sustainable Development in Relation to Products’ Life Cycles. (Sundler, M. & Hultmark, E.)
Paper 12: Fostering Creativity through Design and Technology Education (Farrugia, R., Farrugia Caruana, L. & Pule’, S.)
Paper 13: Rupe Rere Nui: Place-based Storytelling in Robotics with Māori-medium Students (Lemon, R., Sutherland, C. & Fowler, A.)
Paper 14: A New Framework of Technology and Engineering Education Proposed by the Japan Society of Technology Education. (Moriyama, J., Yamamoto, T., Muramatsu, H., Taguchi, H., Yang, P., Otani, T., Miyagawa, Y., Kikuchi, A., Ueno, K. & Watanabe, S.)
Paper 15: Social Emotional Learning and its framework for Technology Education. (Jones, V. & Trent, D.)
Paper 16: How does ‘matter’ matter in technology education? (Gullberg, A., Andersson, M., Ivarsson, J. & Söderberg, H.)
Paper 17: Authenticity in integrated STEM education – boon or fantasy? Observing upper secondary technology classroom practice. (Hallström, J., Nordlöf, C. Norström, P. & Schönborn, K.)
Paper 18: Grasping the Actual Situation of Student’s Perspectives on the Improvement of Manufactured Products and User Perspectives in Material Processing Learning. (Nakahara, H., Sera, K., Uenosono, T., Katsumoto, A. & Moriyama, J.)
Paper 19: Developing the Professional Knowledge of Technology Student Teachers via a Parallel Approach: A Longitudinal Study. (Grobler, R. & Ankiewicz, P.)
Paper 20: Student’s perception about mechanical stress and what is most important for learning, during a practical task, using digital interactive lab description. (Forsell, C. & Westerlind, P.)
Paper 21: Gifted students’ needs in technology education (Brink, H.)
Paper 22: Mentoring on Early-Career Technology and Engineering Teachers (Furse, J., Ortiz, C., Yoshikawa Ruesch, E. & Lloyd, H.)
Paper 23: Teachers’ perceptions and impressions of the forest and the city as a starting point for teaching biomimicry. (Svenssson, M. Thorén Williams, A. & Sanders, D.)
Paper 24: Influence of Pre-professional Organizations on TEE Students. (Yoshikawa Ruesch, E. & Furse, J.)
Day #2
Reflection (Morrison-Love, D.)
Paper 25: Using movie-making to visualise pre-service teachers’ perceptions of technology. (Sultan, U. Bergfelft, B. & Sjöstedt, E.)
Paper 26 : What Attracts Children to Computer Science? (Yauney, J. & Bartholomew, S.)
Paper 27: Different textbooks in technology education: different opportunities for developing subject literacy. (Hurdelbrink, C. & Engström, S.)
Paper 28: Technology Education considering children’s needs: Evidence-based development of Inclusive materials for learning with robots at primary level. (Schröer, F. & Tenberge, C.)
Paper 29: Problematising and unpacking the uncertainty of design within technology education. (McDyer, M., Buckley, J., Dunbar, R., Blom, N. & Seery, N.)
Paper 30: The Impact of Teacher Preferences in Learning by Evaluating. (Bartholomew, S., Barnum, E., Jackson, A., Mentzer, N. & Yauney, J.)
Paper 31: Student teachers’ preconceptions of programming as a content in the subject technology. (Perez, A., Svensson, M. & Hallström, J.)
Paper 32: Girls’ technological knowledge. (Sultan, U.)
Paper 33: The Utensil and the Tool: Making Definitions Gender Inclusive. (Björlin Svozil, L.)
Paper 34: The Initial findings of the Healthy Lifestyles Project: A practical design and technology cooking and nutrition programme for primary schools. (Gomersall, S.) [EMBARGOED]
Paper 35: Characterising Structure-Property Reasoning within a Chemical Design Challenge: ‘Green Bubble Soap’. (de Lavoir, S., den Otter, M-J., de Vries, M. & Barendsen, E.)
Paper 36: “If D&T wasn’t so easy, I wouldn’t be so good at it.”: Nonverbal Ability and Confidence. (Greenhalgh, A.)
Paper 37: Masculinities and Femininities in the Design and Technology Classroom. (Solomka, O.)
Paper 38: Introduction Engineering Based STEM Programs in High School Classrooms in the Republic of Korea. (Kwon, H., Jeong, J. Lee, Y. & Kim, E.)
Paper 39: What is Design Volition? Implications for Technology Education. (Hallström, J. & Ankiewicz, P.)
Paper 40: Primary school students’ perception of technology. (Lind, J.)
Paper 41: Teaching Values in Technology Education through Co-Design: Teaching values through co-design. (Harvey, N. & Ankiewicz, P.)
Paper 42: Pupils’ reflections on the use of a digital self-assessment tool to identify and measure development of 21st century skills during maker activities in schools. (Walan, S. 7 Brink, H.)
Day #3
Reflection (Davies, S.)
Keynote (Ryan, T.)
Paper 43: Preliminary study of how 21st-Century Skills are developed during a participatory user-centred curriculum intervention at Key Stage 3 in Design and Technology. (Jones, P.)
Paper 44: Great Expectations: A Finnish perspective on international students’ choice of university-level craft courses. (Brännkärr, P. & Porko-Hudd, M.)
Paper 45: Teaching Variables and Functions at the Secondary Level in a STEM Context. (El Fadil, B. & Najar, R.)
Paper 46: Secondary Students’ Intrinsic Motivation during Multidisciplinary STEAM Projects. (Klapwijk, R.)
Paper 47: Experiences in pedagogy of Design: Research and Design Teachers Frame of Reference about the Concept of ‘Model’. (de Haan -Topolscak, S., Vos-de Tombe, P.& Ebskamp, M.)
Paper 48: Technological and Engineering Design Based Learning: Promoting Upper Elementary Graphical Device Comprehension. (Morgan, C. & Wells, J.)
Paper 49: Do No Harm 2.0. (Spendlove, D.) [EMBARGOED]
Paper 50: Unveiling Biases: An Exploration of ChatGPT-3.5-generated ‘Technology Stories’. (Axell, C. & Boström, J.)
Paper 51: Insights from the implementation of the course “Development of an interdisciplinary STEM project via PBL approach” in an ‘Integrative STEM Education’ MEd Program. (Dagan, O., Ragonis, N. & Goldman, D.)
Paper 52: How do Swedish technology teachers assess programming education in grade 4-6? (Bjursten, E-L. & Gumaelius, L.)
Paper 53: Teacher training in robotics: evaluating the implementation of robotics and teachers motivation and self-efficacy towards robotics. (Hamade, D. & Landherr, J.)
Paper 54: Situating spatial ability development in the Craft and Technology curricula of Swedish compulsory education. (Lin, T-J., Buckley, J., Gumaelius, L. & Ampadu, E.)
Paper 55: To See Reason: Technology Teachers’ Interventions and Students’ Reasoning in the Design Process. (Hultmark, E.)
Paper 56: “The main thing is practical work”: Teachers’ beliefs supporting the intellectual development of technology education. (Penning, I.)
Paper 57: All you wanted to know about D&T but were afraid to ask? (Beaumont, H. & Steeg, T.)
Paper 58: Considering the credibility of technology education research: A discussion on empirical insights and possible next steps. (Buckley, J.)
Paper 59: The challenges of implementing a spatial ability intervention at secondary level. (Maquet, L., Benedičič, U., Dunbar, R., Buckley, J., Duffy, G. & Sorby, S.)
Paper 60: Augmented reality to support self-directed learning in practical technology teacher training: Presentation of the SelTecAR project and investigation of the conditions for success. (Wiemer, T. & Rothe, M.)
Paper 61: Artificers, satisficers and optimisers: Echoes of Simon and ‘ways of being’ in Design and Technology Education. (Keirl, S.)
Day #4
Reflection (McLain, M)
UK Acronym Explainer and DATE Journal Update (Stables, K.)
PATT41 Nanjing 2024 Promo (Yang, Q.)
Paper 64: Teaching Food Technology through the Narrative of Food. (Beaumont, H.)
Paper 65: Timeless, socially relevant engineering knowledge and skills for future technology education. (Norström, P., Engström, S. & Fahrman, B.)
Paper 66: Professional Learning Opportunities for the Hangarau Māori-medium Technology Curriculum. (Lemon, R.)
Paper 67: The Impact of an Integrated Literacy and Design Activity on Student Attitudes Toward Coding. (Bartholomew, S., Barnum, E., Yauney, J. & Wilcock, K.)
Paper 68: Understanding the head of department role: leading Design and Technology. (Mburu, P.K.)
Paper 69: Impact of a Creative Design Course on Undergraduate Learners’ Creative Confidence. (Zrada, M.) [EMBARGOED]
Paper 70: Tackling food poverty: The role and importance of food education in United Kingdom schools. (Rutland, M. & Seabrook, R.)
Paper 71: Implementation and analysis of a spatial skills course for Secondary level STEM education. (Benedičič, U., Maquet, L., Duffy, G., Dunbar, R., Buckley, J. & Sorby, S.)
Paper 72: Embedding Computational Thinking into Authentic Technology Practice. (Fox-Turnbull, W., Wu, S., Stafford, M. & Mayo, T.)
Paper 73: Modelling approaches to combining and comparing independent adaptive comparative judgement ranks. (Buckley, J., Seery, N. & Kimbell, R.)
Paper 74: Developing technology students’ hierarchical thinking during iterative processes of designing through sketching activities. (Blom, N., Canty, D., Lane, D. & O’Connor, S.)
Paper 75: Engaging object agency: new ways of design learning and being in the museum. (Hellard, A.)
Paper 76: Promoting Creativity in the Secondary Design and Technology Classroom in England. (Mburu, P.K. & Silveira, V.)
Paper 77: Supporting Initial Teacher Education Students Assessment Literacy and Capability Development. (Canty, D., Blom, N., O’Connor, S. & McCarthy, M.)
Paper 78 : Exploring the Use of Peer and Self-Assessment as a Pedagogical Tool in UK Secondary Design Education. (Halliwell, A.)
Paper 79: Redesigning the design and technology curriculum in England: led by teachers. (Halliwell, A., Mason, A. Hardy, A. & Ellis, C.)