The dates below may be subject to change. Please check back here regularly for updates on PATT40 Liverpool…

Call for papers
The conference theme and strands will be published along with information about papers, posters and workshops and instructions on how to submit…

Abstract Submissions Open
Instructions on where to submit your paper and poster abstracts will be added to the PATT40 website…

Abstract Submission Deadline
Submissions for paper/poster abstracts and workshop proposals closes…

Notification of Abstract Acceptance
The PATT40 conference committee will notify you whether your paper/poster abstract and/or workshop proposal has been accepted, along with feedback and guidance…
Extension deadline 5th May 2023

Publication of Titles and Abstracts
The PATT40 paper and poster titles and a sample of abstracts will be published via the PATT40 newsletter and website

Early-bird Rate Registration
You will be able to register for the PATT40 conference at the early bird rate. The conference fees will be published by the end of the week beginning 15th May.

Submission of Full Draft / Work-in-Progress Conference Papers
Full versions of paper (max. 3000-words) must be submitted for double blind peer review, using the template provided…

Notification of Conference Paper Acceptance
The PATT40 conference committee will notify you of your full paper acceptance, along with feedback and guidance…

Notification of Academic Poster Abstracts Acceptance and Feedback
The PATT40 conference committee will notify you of your poster acceptance, with feedback and guidance…

Submission of Final Paper
Submission of Draft / Work-in-Progress Posters
You will submit the final version of your paper (.doc or .docx) and/or poster (.pdf), fully formatted using the template, and having responded to the reviewers’ comments…

Regular Rate Registration
The PATT40 early bird rate ends and the regular rate applies until registrations close on Sunday 22nd October 2023

Feedback on Work-in-Progress/Draft Academic Posters
The PATT40 conference committee will notify you of your poster feedback and guidance…

Submission of Posters for Printing
Publication of Proceedings
Delegates presenting posters who wish to have theirs printed in advance by the PATT40 team, should submit the final versions to by this date.
The PATT40 proceedings will be published via

PATT40 Liverpool
The conference will run from Tuesday 31st October to Friday 3rd November. Note: the conference venue and schedule will be published with the proceedings…
Friday 3rd November 2023