PATT40 Presentation Upload

All PATT40 presenters are asked to upload their presentations before the start of the conference to make setting up more efficient. Uploading your presentation will ensure that your session moderator has your slidedeck ready at the start of your allotted session(s). Please upload your presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint format, with the paper number and lead author surname at the start of the file name.

Please refer to the latest version of the conference programme on the website.

Please upload your slidedeck 24 hours before your presentation session.

PATT40 Presentation Upload
Include ‘et al.’ if your paper is co-authored – e.g. McLain et al.
Use the same email address as you registered for the conference with.
Refer to the latest version of the programme.
Refer to the latest version of the programme (ignore the A, B, or C).

Maximum file size: 51.2MB

Is there anything that we need to know? (e.g. do you need audio output, etc.)

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